Team Aron CK (Cycling club)

Together with famous Swedish adventurer Aron Anderson we formed the friendliest Cycle Club ever with a clear vision to eradicate childhood cancer by supporting the important work done by The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund

Team Aron CK encourages cyclists to through their membership contribute by taking part in our group rides and events and keep sweating for a good sake. We will enjoy what we love; cycling, having fun, meet friends and respect each other knowing that we all are different, and our abilities differ.

One thing will we all have in common; we will all contribute in line with our abilities.

We are strongly related to Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund and our vision is to contribute with millions of Swedish Krones in the future, here you can read more about our relationship (in Swedish, please use Google translate)

Would you like to know more about Team Aron CK?

Maybe you would like to start up a local Team Aron CK training site? (we would love to be international)

Please send an email to in Swedish or English.